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Демонстрационный сайт » ПРОЕКТЫ AFTER EFFECTS » РАЗНЫЕ ПРОЕКТЫ » Brush Drawn Wedding Titles 4K 308807 - Motion Graphics Templates

Brush Drawn Wedding Titles 4K 308807 - Motion Graphics Templates

Brush Drawn Wedding Titles 4K 308807 - Motion Graphics Templates

Brush Drawn Wedding Titles 4K 308807 - Motion Graphics Templates
PREMIERE CC 2019 | 3840X2160 (4K) | Required Plugins : None | RAR 30.29 MB

Brush Drawn Wedding Titles 4K is a new unique motion graphics template that you can use on your wedding videos.
This template is so easy to use as it has an excellent project structure and full-color controllers
for quick customization. Download it right now and impress your audience by adding these
professionally designed and animated full-screen title
animations on to your videos. No plugins.