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Neon Sign Creator 23717672 - Project for After Effects (Videohive)

Neon Sign Creator 23717672 - Project for After Effects (Videohive)

Neon Sign Creator - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CC & above | 3840x2160 | 30 April 2019 | No plugins | Video Tutorial | 2,29 gb

Neon Sign Creator is a template for After Effects CC 2014 and above to transform
your text or logo into a stylish neon sign.
Neon Sign Creator includes many controls to customize your sign as you prefer.
Thanks to a single “Neon Control” effect you have the full control of your sign.
Here a fast overview of what you can do with this effect

Neon Sign Creator is very easy to use and funny to customize!

• Just import your logo or type a text (it works with all fonts)
• Choose the sign style: “filled” to create a glass sign or “outlined” to countour the
logo shape with the neon tube
• Then place the connectors and draw the connectors wires
• Add a support and/or sign holders
• Set the lights behavior
• Choose a background and the camera animation, or one of the three premade

Neon Sign Creator allows you to use different light effects for all or each color of your

Unleash your creativity!

All controls are keyframable! It means that you can change the behavior of a tube light
over time, for example you could switch it on for 2 seconds with the flickering effect,
then change it to random flash for another 2 seconds, switch it off for 1 second and
finally enable the pulse mode, and so on.

Another great feature is the “Animation Cycle”. It is the faster way to create a
sequential light cycle.
You just need to set the light order and “Neon Control” effect will do the rest.

Obviously you can also set the animation cycle duration and the pulse and random
flash effects speed.


No plugins required!
• Compatible with After Effects CC2014 and above
• Resolution: 3840×2160
• Video tutorial included (25 mins of explanation and examples!)
• Expressions universalized (it works with all After Effects languages)
• Music is not included.

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