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Gravity | Social Media and Broadcast Pack 26414068 - Project & Script for After Effects (Videohive)

Gravity | Social Media and Broadcast Pack 26414068 - Project & Script for After Effects (Videohive)

Gravity | Social Media and Broadcast Pack - Project & Script for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CC 2014 & above | Resizable | 11 May 2020 | No plugins | Help File | 2,22 gb

After Effects templates pack for creating outstanding world class video content on
social media, TV and any digital advertising channel. Increase views and reach with
850 video templates and elements in 3D.
Gravity is the force that attracts objects toward each other – like apples to the ground,
the planets to the sun and your audience to your videos. In “Gravity” we develop the
concept of Lava|Social Media Pack which was named the best Envato project for
social media in 2019. And bring the best from the modern design for you:


As digital art is just on trend, be one of the first to take it to your video marketing. It
shows a surreal virtual world with vivid visuals that seem true to life and magic at the
same time. Harmonious compositions make your content simple and easy to read on a
smartphone screen.


We created abstract 3D shapes and decoration elements with realistic textures to give
the templates an art object look. They imitate natural materials and make your viewers
not only see and hear your brand voice but also feel its touch – if it’s smooth or relief,
fuzzy or silky, gentle or firm, warm or cold, friendly or cool, calming or exciting. Textile,
wood, plastic, concrete, metal, and leaves, – pick any to add tactile impressions
associating with your message.


Most categories are divided by colors for your convenience: colorful, soft and dark,
with gold and silver details. Choose them to match your brand book or the content you


Optimistic joyful colors add life, energy and dynamics to your video. It becomes more
emotional and attractive for the viewers and stands out among the huge flow of other
everyday information.


Fresh and soft light colors make the content noble and clean or gentle and
sophisticated depending on your goal. White is used to emphasize simplicity, accuracy,
the beginning and the new. Depending on its shade and texture, grey can give a
soothing and peaceful feel, or a strict professional and businesslike tone.


Use the power of black to give your content a prestigious smart look. It’s perfect for the
business selling luxury and elegance, high-quality professional b2b products and
premium goods. Black makes them seem more reliable, powerful, and strong.

Golden Glow

The positive eye-catching gold adds a feel of richness, prosperity, and warmth. It
suggests that the product is expensive and exclusive. Golden is also the color of
victory, achievement, and nobility – a great choice for high-end and refined services.

Silver Sparkling

Shiny and elegant at the same time, it fits messages on hi-tech, innovation, science
and technology. Due to its soothing and purifying effect silver is also good for health
care, self-development and coaching themes.


We made the most popular compositions with single and double devices. They float in
the air with the trendy zero gravity visual effect. Insert photo or video screens of your
web design.

30 Laptop Mockups

Stylish laptop mockup pack for creating a website presentation for highly visual web
themes, such as an online shop app, web store, high tech WordPress theme, fashion
catalog, magazine, gaming or esports portal, social media community, mass media
website, or online cinema service.
• 10 colorful laptop mockups
• 10 white laptop mockups
• 10 dark laptop mockups

30 Smartphone Mockups

Stunning phone mockup pack for creating a mobile app promo presentation, new
service review, to showcase your application, online store or social media account
• 10 colorful phone mockups
• 10 white phone mockups
• 10 dark phone mockups


Ready Compositions

850 ready-made compositions and elements on Fashion, Sport, Lifestyle, Urban,
Event, Business, Music, Content Marketing, Quotes, and Social Media Account

Motion Design Elements

Feel free to experiment with design within the pack: replace and change the elements
scale, mix different backgrounds, visual elements, and colors. Combine different
videos to increase the timing.


Resize your compositions for different media in two clicks. Create square, portrait and
landscape videos in different resolutions for horizontal and vertical publications.

The project features:

• 850+ Ready For Use Graphics Elements
• Responsive design
• Color control for flat compositions
• Motion Bro Extension for the fast and convenient work with compositions and elements
• Auto Resize for all formats: horizontal, vertical, square, for feed, stories, IGTV and
covers for Facebook, Linked In, Twitter and other media channels
• Each scene is 15 seconds long
• Easy to brand and customize
• Any resolution up to 4K
• Works with After Effects CC 14 and above
• No plugins required
• Fast render
• Well organized and easy to use
• Music is not included.

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