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Superluminal Stardust 1.6.0 Plugin for Adobe After Effects

Superluminal Stardust 1.6.0 Plugin for Adobe After Effects
Superluminal Stardust 1.6.0 Plugin for Adobe After Effects
Win x64 | Languages: English | 108 MB

Modular Particle System - Stardust is a Modular 3D particle system for After Effects. It has an easy to use node based user interface and ships with a host of presets to create stunning effects.

Main Features:
- Modular 3D particle system for After Effects.
- One Tool, Single 3D space.
- One click smart presets.
- Replica, a unique effect, that replicates the particles in various ways.
- Countless particle effects.
- Emitters, Particles, Replica, Forces, 3D Models, Text & Mask, Maps.
- Space deformers, Sphere, Box, 3d Models, Bend, Twist, Maps, Black Hole.
- Splines, animate-able, both as paths and emitters.
- Containers,enclose particles in sphere, box or a 3D model.

One Tool, a single 3D space, on one layer with endless possibilities. It is a full featured particle system with forces, fields, motion blur, DOF and much more.

A Breakthrough easy to use node based interface. Start with a preset or create your own nodes. Many emitters, particles and forces can be added, and have them all work in a single 3D space on one layer.

Create beautiful motion graphics by replicating particles in many ways. With Replica you can create unique looking designs, ranging from organic through technology and more.

Space Deformers
Sphere, box, 3d models, displacement maps and more are used to push, pull, enclose, color and move particles around. Black hole nodes can be used to attract the particles over time.

Smart Presets
Load an entire setup, node, or a single param. With a single click you can load stunning presets, and there are loads of them.

3D Models
Particles can be emitted along a 3D model's vertices or from its volume.

Whether it's a box or a sphere grid, with the unique easy-to-use modular workflow these are just starting points for endless paths. These grids can be manipulated in many ways to create arresting looks.

From particle emitting splines through 3D lines, these unique animate-able 3D splines, defined using After effects lights, create a multitude of stunning effects.

Text & Mask
Particles can be emitted from live text and masks, either from the volume or the edges. Paths can then be trimmed, offset and controlled using many more properties. Create never seen before effects.

Release Notes
- Volume rendering: Load from VDB files or create from Particles.
- Refreshed Panel UI: New Nodes design and colors.
- Physics: Save and Load State - Save Physics initial state.
- Model: Replicate using Null - Replicate a 3D model using AE Nulls.
- Physics: Air density - Add animatable air density.
- Material: Stencil - Added option to set a material as Stencil.
- Physics: Properties Time sample - Sample physics properties at current time / particle birth.
- Models: UV repeat and offset.
- Stardust Studio: Studio Lights - Add custom lights to Studio Camera.
- Model: Export OBJ - Export current model as an OBJ file.
- Particle: Limit rotations - Set particle random rotation to fixed values. e.g. 90 degrees.
- Emitter: Light size.
- Graph: Flip.
- Physics: Turbulence Over life.
- Aux: Fixed an issue with non visible particles.

System Requirements:
- After Effects CC2015 and later , GPU with OpenGL 3.3 and later is required to render 3D models.
- 1 GB of RAM, 100 MB of hard drive space