The Woodworker & Good Woodworking - издание с практическими примерами, предназначеными для домашнего деревообработчика. Его 108-летнее наследие делает его авторитетным изданием в этой отрасли. Под редакцией и статьями энтузиастов есть реальное чувство и понимание предмета. Журнал представляет проекты и технические консультации по всем аспектам деревообработки, а также новости, обзоры и тесты новых и самых популярных инструментов и оборудования для деревообработки, доступных на сегодня.
34 Workbench made simple
Rik Middleton’s design For a good, solid woodworking workbench is suitable for any craftsman including experienced cabinetmakers
62 Chicken & egg
Andrew Hall takes inspiration from an old German woodcarving video to create a lidded bowl with finial, which houses laid eggs
70 Small things matter
Whether practical or decorative, plain or ornamental, knobs and finials lend a project detail, interest and proportion, as Dave Roberts shows in this month's article
79 Practical planter
TTie horizontal slats on Phil Davy's planter can be placed at two dtfferent heights depending or the height of the shrubs
88 Head of the bed
Mitch Wilmoth works ta commission and creates a bespoke headboard in a farmhouse style
26 Windsor choirs: ppearance, comfort & durabilíty
Internatiorally renowned chairmaker Mike Dunbar discusses the making and design of a number of different North American Windsor chars
44 Wooduuorker's encyclopaedio - port 5
Peter Bishop mcves from bodgers to books and bows to bnght stuff
54 Boxing dever
Denis Whittaker shares the steps he takes when making a basic box complete with inlay, feet and hardware
50 A slow-pour'd magic
Da ve Roberts meets Helen Robirrson, astained- gtass artist whose alchemy transforms silica and base oxides into liquid gdd and cobalt and ruby, and turquoise...
25 By hand, ear & nose
Rabin Gates reconsidere our urderused serses after finding blind woodtumer Sidney Goodrum featured in the luly 1965 ¡ssue of The Woodworker
38 Totem pole caruing: theres more to them than you think
Paul Greertakes adoser look at the carving af tDtem poles thnough the ages as well as how thcy are made, with a focus on telebrated tótem pole makers of our time
68 Me & my workshop - Chris Fisher
Thrs month we're m Lancashire as we learn more about blínd woodturrer, Chris Fisher
48 Designing by design
The best uway to connect with customers. says Arselm Fraser, principal gf The Chippendale International School of Furniture, is to inject a little piece of your DNA into your furniture
98 Dear Prudente
Please come home
Издательство: MyTimeMedia Ltd.
Год издания: 2019
Жанр: Столярное дело, сделай сам, деревообработка
Формат: PDF
Язык: Английский
Качество: Отличное
Иллюстрации: Цветные
Страниц: 100
Размер: 107 Мб
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